What to pack on a tour to Uganda?

What to pack on a tour to Uganda?

As you plan to visit Uganda, first know that this country offers the best experiences ranging from wildlife and nature to culture. This means that what to pack will depend on the activity or adventure toy are about to encounter. Therefore study your itinerary very well and then choose what you will need.

Packing the right requirements is the best way to go for your Uganda safari since you won’t be interrupted or denied to take on an activity. Depending on the type of safari or activity, requirements differ but the ones in this blog cut across.

The most essential requirements that you can’t leave behind are the passport and airline ticket, immunization cards and some cash to use for the beaten path moments. These are a must-have since you are always asked to present them for registration purposes, identification like on the gorilla and chimpanzee tracking or any national park-related activity. Other requirements are;

Clothing (for comfort and versatility)

Most time, the climate in Uganda is generally warm which means that even on cold days you can walk without warming yourself. Therefore, light clothing can be suitable during the daytime while taking part in different experiences like Hiking, Community walks and more. You are advised to use long-sleeved clothing to protect you from mosquitos and cuts in the jungle. Use jungle shoes, and gaiters as you trek the mountains and the jungle.

Additionally, always remember to pack the rain gear like the raincoat, and umbrella since no one can predict the Ugandan weather. On a sunny day, wear a hat, and sunglasses and carry enough drinking water. Ensure proper dress code mainly when visiting local Villages for cultural tours. Put on long pants and long dresses.

Health and hygiene (insect repellent)

Come along with the insect repellent so that you keep good health and hygiene on your Uganda Tour. This will protect you from insect bites like mosquitos, flies and others. This is because insects like mosquitos normally breed in bushes and stagnant waters in protected areas. Also, come along with sunscreen to protect you from the strong Equatorial sun. Carry your medicines and also sanitiser to use in places without soap.

Gadgets and electronics

Carry a good smartphone to keep connected with your family and friends back home and then, carry a good camera to capture great memories. Ensure to have enough memory card or storage space to accommodate your videos and photos. Don’t forget to pack chargers for your gadgets. Note that most of the remote areas don’t have connections or have poor networks. Also, carry a pair of Binoculars to magnify distant objects and for the birders, this is so essential for your birding safari.

Energy givers (snacks and water)

Most of the Uganda activities require you to stay energetic and hydrated and this calls to carry enough drinking water and an energy-giving snack with glucose like biscuits, granola bars and nuts. We recommend drinking Rwenzori mineral water and also getting reusable water bottles and refilling them from your accommodation facility.

Travel guidebooks (reference books)

Carry a travel guidebook like the Bradt guidebook to read for in-flight reading and at the accommodation relaxing, East Africa bird book for birders, reptile book for tourists interested in reptiles and more others.


These include flashlights or head land to use most on Hiking, night walks and more, personal toiletries such as toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and toothbush are very essential for personal hygiene. For tourists with certificates like for swimming, kindly come along with them since some destinations on water bodies like lakes since deep for example Lake Bunyonyi in Kabale which is the second deepest lake in Africa.

For a memorable safari in Uganda, pack very well and our team is ready to help and advise you about the right packing list for your Uganda safari.

Posted in Blogs.

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