Birding Tours in Rwanda

Birding Tours in Rwanda

Rwanda is most popular not only for its massive primates like mountain gorillas but also for its diverse bird species. Over 700 bird species make Rwanda a great birding tour destination in East Africa. These diverse species comprise of Albertine rift endemic and resident avifaunal species.

Extending up to, Rwanda is an exceptional bird watching destination in Africa, renowned for its huge profusion of birds per It is a compact country with easy to access and hard to find species of birds. The different habitats in Rwanda holds distinct species of birds and these species comprise of montane forests in the Western area, grassland plains and swamps as you head towards the Eastern border. Some of Rwanda’s birds can also be spotted in swamps, wetlands, rivers, and lakes.

Endemic bird species in Rwanda

While Rwanda may not have birds unique entirely to it as a country, there are some Albertine rift endemic species. These range in the high elevation rainforest, Nyungwe Forest National Park, Gishwati-Mukura National Park and Volcanoes National Park.

The check-list of endemic species of birds to find on Rwanda birding tour include the regal sunbird, Dusky crimson wing, Archer’s robin chat, Albertine owlet, Albertine boubou, blue headed sunbird, grauer’s warblers, black faced apalis, Congo bay owl, Neumann’s warblers, red collared babblers, purple breasted sunbird, handsome francolins, Kivu ground thrush, Rwenzori apalis, Rockefellers, strange weavers, Willard’s sooty boubou schouteden’s swift, Rwenzori double-collared, Kungwe apalis,

Where to go for birding tours in Rwanda

Nyungwe Forest National Park & its birds

Located in the Southern Province, Nyungwe is a spectacular montane rainforest and home to 310 species of birds. The birds that exist in Nyungwe Forest National Park include the red collared babblers, handsome francolins, Rwenzori nightjars, grauer’s warblers, Rwenzori turacos, Albertine owlet, Kivu thrush, Kungwe apalis, Rockefeller’s sunbirds, shelley’s crimson wing, barred long tailed cuckoo, and more.

Nyungwe’s birding trails include Bigugu. Along Bigugu trail (2950m), 13km trail, expect to look out for birds like the red-collared mountain warblers.

Karamba trail, an ideal trail to find the yellow-eyed black flycatchers. This is a km long birding trail. Gisakura trail –the trail where you can find birds such as regal sunbird, short tailed warblers, Kivu ground thrush, and others.

Kamiranzovu trail –a popular trail where diverse birds like grey-crested kakamega, short tailed warblers, and grauer’s swamp warblers live.

Volcanoes National Park

Over 200 species of birds survive in the diverse habitats in Volcanoes National Park Rwanda. They include the Albertine rift endemic species and other resident birds. The diverse birds to identify while in Volcanoes National Park include the brown-backed honey birds, Rwenzori turacos, lesser honey guide, white collared olive back, Rwenzori batis, bat hawk, African swamp hen, archer’s robin chat, Narina trogon, black cuckoo shrike, grey backed fiscal, palm nut vulture, bronzy sunbird, Kivu ground thrush, and others.

Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park shelters about 525 bird species. The birds of interest in Akagera National Park include sooty chat, Amur falcon, black-crowned night herons, blue headed coucals, black crowned night heron, Beaudouin’s snake eagle, lesser jacanas, dimorphic egret, crested barbet, brown chested lapwing, booted eagles, grasshopper buzzard, western reef heron, striped pipit, shelley’s francolins, ross’s turacos, ring necked francolins, tabora cisticolas, shoebill stork, yellow throated leaf love, yellow bellied eremomera.

Helmeted guinea fowl, African pygmy goose, Egyptian goose, coqui francolins, ring necked francolins, Dideric cuckoos, thick billed turacos, blue malkoha, black coucal, pennant winged nightjars, Madagascar cuckoo, freckled nightjars, Eurasian nightjars, long toed lapwing, wattled lapwing, Senegal lapwings, three banded plovers, spotted redshank, curlew sandpiper, ruddy turnstone, marsh sandpiper, African skimmers, African openbilll, white winged tern, Abdim’s storks, long tailed cormorant and more.

Birding in Nyabarongo wetland –lying in southeastern Rwanda and is a significant birding destination. The birds in Nyabarongo river wetland include the white collared olive back, sharpe’s pied babblers, papyrus gonoleks, Northern brown throated weavers, Madagascar squacco, and papyrus canary. Other essential wetlands in Rwanda include Akanyaru, Rugezi and Lake Kivu.

Birding in Kigali

The best birding locations in Kigali include Umusambi village, key area where the grey crown cranes can be spotted. Other bird species include yellow breasted apalis, purple crested turacos, African fire finch, cisticolas, lesser honey guide, white collared olive back, black shouldered nightjars, and others.

Birding in Lake Nyarutarama –look out for birds such as little grebe, hadada ibis, squacco heron, swamp flycatcher, pygmy kingfishers, black kite, African hobby, African fish eagle, black egret, red billed teal, hottentot teal, common moorhen, Africa spoonbill, black headed heron, paradise flycatchers, and more.

Birding at Mt. Kigali

Explore the diverse birds at Mount Kigali. Look out for birds such as the tropical boubou, green backed carmoroptera, Southern black flycatchers, African paradise flycatchers, yellow fronted canary, Northern puff back, white eyed slaty flycatchers and others.

Birding at Lake Kivu

A total of 400 species of birds in Lake Kivu region and include white-breasted cormorants, osprey, pied kingfishers, crimson rumped waxbill, bronzed sunbird, bronze manikin, and others.

When to travel for birding in Rwanda

Birding in Rwanda is an all year round experience but the most preferred months of the year are December, January; March, April and May. During these months, not only can you find the resident birds but also migratory species. They are nesting months of the year.

Things to pack for your birding tour

Some of the ideal items you should consider on your packing list for Rwanda birding tour include a pair of binoculars, flashlight, a notebook, comfortable clothes, walking boots, a good camera, a rain jacket, a sweater, insect repellents, and others.

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