Mount elgon

Mount Elgon National Park – The world’s Largest Volcanic Caldera

Mount Elgon National is located in the eastern part of Uganda in the Elgon region. Covering an area of approximately 4000 square kilometers, Mount Elgon National Park is home to multiple animal, plant, and bird species.

The park is shared between two countries that is; Uganda and Kenya, Uganda takes the bigger part of the park. Mount Elgon National Park is famous for being home to the world’s largest volcanic caldera.

Taking on a hiking safari or hiking adventure trip to Mount Elgon National Park allows you to enjoy the cool breeze and feel the extraordinary cool weather on your Uganda tour. Mount Elgon National Park in Kenya was gazette in the year 1968. On the other hand, Mount Elgon National Park of Uganda side was gazette in the year 1992.

In the past years, Mount Elgon National Park was a famous destination for many explorers. These included; C.W Hobley, Stingler, Kmunke, Jackson F, J. Martin, and E. Gedge. All these were European explorers who visited and made recordings of the Mountain. Mount Elgon is one of the oldest physical features in Africa. It is believed to have erupted about 200 million years ago. Some theories also suggest that Mt. Elgon was once the highest mountain in Africa before its height was reduced as a result of continuous soil erosions.

What to see in Mount Elgon National Park? Tourist attractions in Mount Elgon National Park

The Forest Exploration Center at Kapkwai

Explore Kapkwai Forest exploration Center
Cave Exploring and Adventure in Sipi on Mount Elgon

Located 13 kilometers from Sipi town, the Forest Exploration Center is a learning area for tourists and students.

Travelers who hike Mount Elgon via the Sipi trail pass through this center and get a chance to see vegetation, caves, birds, and animals.

The area is a reliable birding spot since it is home to multiple bird species dwelling in the region. Some of the bird species spotted in this area include; lemon dove, dusky-turtle dove, thick-billed honey bird, and mountain yellow warbler.             

The caves

Cave Exploring and Adventure in Sipi on Mount Elgon
Cave Exploring and Adventure in Sipi on Mount Elgon

Visiting Mount Elgon National Park gives you a chance to see several caves. These caves were formed a long time ago as a result of soil erosion and volcanic deposits. The pastoralists that dwelt in these areas used the caves as shelters for their domestic animals back in the day.

The most popular caves in Mount Elgon National Park are the Kapkwai Cave, the Hunters Cave, the Siyo Cave, the Tatum Cave, the Mude Cave, the Hot Springs Cave, and the Khauka Cave. The Khauka cave is located at the Wanale Ridge while the Kapkwai cave is located near the Forest Exploration Center.

Wagagai Peak and the caldera

Hiking Mount Elgon National Park

At 40 kilometers long and 8 kilometers wide, Wagagai Peak is the highest point in Mountain Elgon National Park.

It is also the world’s largest volcanic caldera. The caldera was formed as a result of volcanicity; the eruption magma split side by side creating a depression that was later filled with water to form a lake. The other side of the caldera formed a waterfall that attracts thousands of tourists from different corners of the world.


Pian Upe Game Reserve

Mount Elgon National Park is home to multiple animal and wildlife species. The park is neighbors with Pian Upe Game Reserve and Matheniko Bokora Wildlife Reserve. Visiting these places on your Uganda safari or Uganda wildlife tour will allow you to spot animals like the lesser kudu, gazelles, antelopes, etc.

Visitors to Mount Elgon National Park can easily connect to Kidepo Valley National Park in the north. This will enable them to see other wildlife species like zebras, buffaloes, lions, cheetahs, leopards, and warthogs, to mention but a few.

Birds in Mount Elgon National Park

Birds in Mount Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon National Park in Uganda is renowned for its diverse birdlife, making it a fantastic destination for birdwatching enthusiasts.

With a variety of habitats ranging from montane forests to bamboo zones and moorland, the park offers a rich and unique avian experience. some of the birds seen in Mount Elgon National Park include; Jackson’s francolin, Hartlaub’s turaco, Eastern bronze-napped pigeon, African goshawk, olive woodpecker, Eastern Mountain greenbul, and Dusky Turtle Dove.

Sipi Falls

Sipi Falls Uganda

Sipi Falls comprises three main waterfalls, each with its distinct characteristics. The first waterfall, known as “Sipi Falls,” is the largest and most famous, cascading down a cliff face from a height of approximately 100 meters (328 feet).

The second and third falls, called “Simba Falls” and “Ngasire Falls,” are smaller but equally picturesque.

The area surrounding Sipi Falls is known for its stunning landscapes. Lush green hills, terraced farmlands, and panoramic views of the plains below create a picturesque setting. The falls are set against the backdrop of Mount Elgon, an extinct volcano, adding to the natural beauty of the area.

Sipi Falls offers excellent opportunities for hiking and trekking enthusiasts. Visitors can embark on guided hikes to explore the surrounding area, including visits to coffee plantations, viewpoints, and nearby villages. There are various trails of different lengths and difficulty levels, allowing visitors to choose according to their preferences and fitness levels.


Mount Elgon National Park is home to multiple plant species. Each level of the mountains comes with a unique vegetation comprising tall grass, shrubs, bamboo forests, heath, and moorland. As you hike up the mountain, you will encounter beautiful species of flowers. These make Mount Elgon National Park a reliable destination for honeymoon safaris or honeymoon adventures in Uganda.

What to do in Mount Elgon National Park? Activities in Mount Elgon National Park

The park is home to many attractions which allow travelers to engage in several activities. These activities include;

  • Hiking and mountain climbing
  • Birding safaris
  • Guided nature walks
  • Camping
  • Community tours
  • Mountain biking
  • Cycling
  • Rock climbing
  • Etc.

How to access Mount Elgon National Park?

Mount Elgon National Park can be accessed from Kampala or Entebbe International Airport by road. Using a safari vehicle, it will take about 5 hours to reach the park via Kampala-Jinja road.

What is the best time to visit Mount Elgon National Park?

Mount Elgon National Park can be visited any time of the year including weekends and public holidays. Book your Mount Elgon safari now and enjoy an extraordinary experience at the world’s largest volcanic caldera.

Posted in Destinations, Uganda.