Is it safe to do Tours in Uganda?

Is it safe to do Tours in Uganda?

Is it safe to do tours in Uganda or Is Uganda safe for safaris? The answer is Yes; Uganda is a safe tourist destination in Africa. Over the past years, Uganda has been affected by wars in the early years. But with the coming of the National Resistance Movement government and before the signing of the 1994 Uganda Constitution, the country has experienced an era of peace. It is now about 40 years since Uganda had a serious war. Uganda has been working around the clock to maintain regional peace.

The Uganda Peoples Defense Force has played a tremendous role in keeping peace and protecting the borders of Uganda. Other security organs like the Uganda Police have equally played a tremendous role in keeping law and order. To enhance security for tourists and wildlife in Uganda, there has been the establishment of security bodies specifically for handling tourism-related security matters. The Uganda Wildlife Authority has a team of trained rangers who work hand-in-hand with the Tourism Police to ensure peace in the national parks and other tourist destinations. These security organs are responsible for keeping law and order within and around national parks, escorting tourists during game drives, and fighting to poach (the illegal hunting of animals from national parks).

Are there terrorists in Uganda? Terrorism in Uganda

Uganda as a country is terrorism free as it does not have any internal terrorist groups hence a safe tourist destination in Africa. However, like any other state, Uganda has a few or minor terrorists operating in the neighboring countries especially the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The major terrorist group that has been threatening Uganda’s security is the Congo-based Allied Democratic Force (ADF). On a few occasions, these groups have been seen near the Congo border. The good news is that the government of Uganda through the Uganda Peoples Defense Forces (UPDF) has been successful in capturing the terrorists and fighting them back to the forests of Congo. The most recent mission was in 2021 (30th November) when Uganda Peoples Defense Forces launched an operation against the Allied Democratic Force (ADF) in what was named “Operation Shujaa.” This mission registered tremendous success through capturing, killing, and chasing the ADF group far from the Uganda border.

Internally, Uganda has had a few cases related to bombings within Kampala, and in the majority of these attacks, the government was able to identify the terrorists before doing any harm to Ugandans. All these are indicators that Uganda is a safe and secure destination for tourists in Uganda.

Is it safe to tour national parks in Uganda?

There is no doubt in saying that all national parks in Uganda are safe for tourists. Uganda has 10 National Parks distributed across different regions of the country. All the national parks are under the protection of the Uganda Wildlife Authority. All you need is to follow the guidelines and instructions given by park rangers and guides while on your Uganda tour.

Uganda national parks that you look up to on your Uganda tour include; Murchison Falls National Park (the world’s strongest waterfalls), Queen Elizabeth National Park (tree-climbing lions), Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (Mountain gorillas). Kidepo Valley National Park (cheetahs and ostriches), Lake Mburo National Park (Many zebras and antelopes), Semuliki National Park (Many Bird species), Kibale National Park (Chimpanzee tracking). Mount Rwenzori National Park (Mount Rwenzori, Mount Elgon National Park (the world’s largest volcanic caldera), and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park (Mountain gorilla trekking and Golden monkey tracking).  Visiting any of these national parks will make you prove that indeed, Uganda is a safe tourist destination.

Tips to ensure a safe tour experience in Uganda

Uganda is generally considered a safe destination for tourists, including honeymooners. The country has made significant progress in terms of security and stability in recent years. However, as with any travel destination, it is important to take certain precautions and stay informed about the current situation.

Make research and plan; Before setting off for your Uganda tour or Uganda safari, you must do thorough research about the places that you intend to visit. From national parks to cities to local communities. This will help you know about the basic safety requirements for a successful trip to such destinations.

Travel to Uganda with a reputable tour operator; Booking your Uganda tour or Uganda safari with a reputable tour operator like Rugote Safaris Ltd comes with enhanced safety and security on your trip. A reputable tour operator does its business on safety and security principles. From booking safe accommodation facilities to ensuring safe transportation to your safari destinations. In case of any safety challenges on your Uganda trip, a reputable tour operator will be responsible and take the necessary measures like medication and rescuing you.

Follow the laws and regulations of the land; While on a Uganda safari or Uganda gorilla trekking safari, you must adhere to laws and regulations governing tourism. The good thing is that your driver guide will brief you at the start of your Uganda trip. Do not go off track, do not incite violence, do not abuse the locals, etc. Ugandan people are hospitable but they might not be friendly once you provoke them. Ask your tour guide about basic interactions such as gestures, dressing styles, greetings, etc. while on your Uganda safari.

Keep your belongings safe; While on a Uganda tour, ensure to safely keep your bags, phones, shoes, clothes, etc. Close your car window while in a traffic holdup (traffic jam) especially in urban areas and cities. You do not want to lose your phone while on a Uganda safari. Ensure to lock your room at a hotel or lodge during your Uganda safari. Avoid displaying expensive items openly and be cautious in crowded places to prevent theft or pickpocketing.

Follow road safety precautions; Observe road safety guidelines, wear seat belts, and avoid traveling at night when visibility may be reduced. It is advisable to hire a trusted driver or utilize the services of a reliable tour operator who can provide safe transportation.

Stay informed while you explore Uganda; on your Uganda tour, it is good to stay informed about local news and what is happening around you. Feel free to ask your tour guide about what is trending in Uganda during your stay. Be in touch with family and friends at home just in case anything happens; they might be your last line of defense.

In a nutshell, there is no doubt that Uganda is safe to do a tour, with the above safety considerations, you will extract the best experience out of your Uganda safari or Uganda tour.

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