Masai Mara National Reserve Kenya

14 Days East Africa Adventure Safari (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania)


During this 14 days East Africa adventure Safari which specifically takes you to Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania includes wildlife, primates, nature and culture. The main activities will be game drives, boat cruise, gorilla trekking and chimpanzee tracking, and community tours.

The 14 days safari is a highlight to explore the big five animals, wildebeest migration, great sceneries and birdlife. There are other options like city tours, community tours or even visiting one of the notable historical attractions including Amabere Ganyinamwiru caves in Fort Portal. The safari will begin from Nairobi Kenya through Tanzania and it will end in Kampala Uganda.

Detailed itinerary

Day 1: Arrival and transfer to a hotel in Nairobi

The safari driver guide will welcome you on arrival at the airport and then transfer to a hotel in Nairobi. Have leisure at the hotel while enjoying amenities such as swimming pool, gardens bar and restaurant.

Day 2: Transfer to Lake Nakuru National Park

Lake Nakuru National Park

Transfer to Lake Nakuru national park known for the large numbers of flamingos. On arrival, head to the lodge and prepare for the game drive.

There is alot to enjoy while on the evening game drive where animals like rhinos, giraffes, lions, leopards, elephants and more with different birds where flamingos makes the highlight of this day. Later, return to the lodge for your dinner.

Day 3: Explore Lake Nakuru National Park (game drives)

colobus monkeys in uganda

Start your day with delicious breakfast with a choice of coffee and tea which will be followed by a full day game drive. This will include a short break for lunch, while here, expect to meet animals like cape buffaloes, olive baboons, impalas, waterbucks, hippos, colobus monkeys, spotted hyenas, zebras, gazelles, leopards. Birds will also be spotted such as hamerkops, flamingos, great white Pelican, African fish eagle, marabou stork and many more others.

Day 4: Transfer to Masai Mara Game Reserve

wildebeest migration in Kenya

Have a heavy breakfast which will be followed by a transfer to Masai Mara national reserve known for the hosting the annual wildebeest migration.

The journey to this protected Are us amazing since you pass through the local homesteads of the Masai people with the livestock (mainly cattle). Depending on the arrival time, head to the lodge to check in followed by a game drive in the plains of Serengeti.

Day 5: Game drives in Masai Mara plains

Masai Mara National Reserve Kenya

Take part in different game drives where you expect to meet animals and birds accompanied with great scenery.

There are great moments you can’t miss like the wildebeest Migration safari taking place across the Mara River during the months of migration, animals giving birth or mating if you are lucky enough, picnic lunch and bush breakfast, organized sun downers and more.

Animals that can be spotted include; lions, cheetahs, leopards, elephants, zebras, hippos, Thompson’s gazelle, baboons and also birds like African Hoopoe, Green Wood Hoopoe, Common Scimitar bill and Abyssinian Scimitar bill and many more. Head back to the lodge for dinner in the evening.

Day 6: Cross to Serengeti National Park

Leave Masai mara and cross to Serengeti National Park which is related to Masai mara national reserve by hosting the wildebeest migration. The safari driver guide will help you to pass through Isebania border as you acquire border requirements in case you don’t have. Picnic lunch will be served at one of the great sites for picnic which will be a great time in your lifetime. Proceed and find your way to the lodge in Serengeti national park to encounter another great day in the wild.

Day 7: Explore Serengeti national park

Game Drive Safaris in Serengeti

Like in Mara plains, spend a full day in Serengeti national park where you will be able to encounter different animals like elephants, lions, leopards, rhinos, buffalos, giraffes, Hyenas and many more others. Apart from the animals, the park is a home to over 400 bird species of which some will be spotted in the endless plains of the savannah.

Day 8: Morning game drive and transfer to Arusha

Head to Arusha after a game drive where you expect to meet different animals both spotted and missed the previous day. Head to the hotel with option of city tour where religious sites, local markets, museums and more.

Day 9: Flight from Arusha to Entebbe – Kampala -Uganda

Head to Kilimanjaro international Airport after a leisure breakfast and fly to Entebbe International Airport in Uganda. Meet and greet the driver guide who will take you through a short briefing about the remaining days of your 14 days Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda adventure safari. There will be options of visiting city attractions in either Entebbe or Kampala depending on the available time.

You will opt to visit the Uganda museum, local markets, craft markets, religious sites and many more others. Proceed to your hotel in the evening for overstay.

Day 10: Transfer from Kampala to Kibale National Park

Amabeere Ga Nyina Mwiru Caves

Meet and greet your safari driver guide who will make a transfer to Kibale National Park a home to 13 primates and over 350 bird species. The journey to this park is amazing where you get to spot the different plantation and gardens of coffee, tea, bananas and more.

Pass at the roadside markets to interact with local sellers while buying fruits like passion fruits, yellow bananas, pineapples and many more others. Depending on arrival time, have different options like taking a community walk with a local guide form Isunga Community or visiting Amabere G’a’nyinamwiru caves. Check in the lodge booked for your dinner and Night stay.

Day 11: Chimpanzee tracking and transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park

Nyungwe National Park

Head to Kanyanchu visitor Centre for briefing which is a very important exercise that includes assignment of the park ranger guide, to know the rules and regulations, getting to know about behaviors of the chimps, cross checking chimpanzee tracking permits, knowing the requirements needed for tracking like the camera and Binoculars and more others.

After trekking will begin with a help of the park ranger guide well-armed to offer protection in case of animal attack. Tracking lasts between 2 to 5 hours including an hour spent with the chimpanzees while taking photos and recording videos of memories. There are other attractions to see such as plants, birds and other primates like the red-tailed monkeys, vervet monkeys, baboons and more.

In the afternoon, check out and head to Queen Elizabeth National Park, one of the most visited national parks in Uganda known to be a home of the rare tree climbing lions. Traverse through the crater lakes of Ndali-Kasenda such as the twin lakes of Nyinambuga and Kifuruka. Arrive in the evening and straight away, head to the lodge booked.

Day 12: Morning boat cruise and transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Kazinga Channel Boat Cruise

Have a morning boat cruise on Kazinga channel where animals like crocodiles, hippos, buffalos, elephants, antelopes like Uganda Kob and many more others will not be missed. Also, birds like shoebill, Pink-backed pelican, Yellow-billed stork, Malachite kingfisher, Fish eagle, Pied kingfisher, Papyrus gonolek and many more others. After head to Bwindi national park a home to the giant mountain gorillas.

The journey passes through Ishasha sector a place where the rare tree climbing lions can be spotted. Arrive and head to the lodge for your dinner.

Day 13: Mountain Gorilla trekking and Batwa Community tour

Gorilla trekking, Batwa trail.

Wake up and head to the park offices for briefing where you receive briefing about this amazing experience. Be told about gorilla behaviors, rules and regulations to follow such as don’t use flash lights as you take photos, always keep distance from the gorillas, don’t make noise and many more others.

Begin the trek with a guidance of the park ranger guide and this will create everlasting memories where you spot other attractions like vegetations, waterfalls, primates and more. Trekking will last for not more than 8 hours including an hour spent in front of a gorilla family. Head back to the lodge for lunch which will be followed by a community tour for Batwa.

Here, learn about the lifestyle of the locals through music and dances, traditional cooking classes, basket weaving, story-telling and more others. After this experience, head back to the lodge to rest.

Day 14: Transfer to Kampala – Departure

Leave the lodge after breakfast and transfer to Kampala with enroute stopover at the equator point. At this point, take enroute lunch preferably local dishes, photos will be taken as you enjoy this great experiment. Proceed to Kampala and be dropped at the airport to mark the end of your safari.

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